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纯酿酱油适合餐馆和大家庭食用 广美珍贵的纯酿金鹿酱油是厨师的好助手。可以在烹饪过程中添加到各种替代中,也可以采用餐具调味品。酱,尤其是淋在蒸好的鱼,烫菜,热汤和半生熟蛋,特别提味。朴鼻,味道鲜美。建议存储:在密闭的条件下存放在阴凉干燥的地方。 保质期:24个月。 食品法规。适合素食和纯素食者, 它是调味佐料是鲜美,营养丰富。制成天然发酵的酱油,具有独特的风味和香气。它是通过传统发酵工艺从加拿大高品质非转基因大豆中100%生产的。将其发酵并在烈日下储存180天,以产生额外的浓郁醇厚的味道。这是因为酱油最多包含17种氨基酸。此外,它还包含各种类型的维生素B。 KBC Premium淡酱可以在烹饪过程中或作为餐桌调味料添加到各种菜肴中。它是一种很棒的调味料,尤其是在蒸鱼,炸蔬菜,汤和半煮鸡蛋中。煎炸或冷拌调味料时,应根据需要添加适量的酱油,使菜肴更诱人和芬芳。建议存储:在阴凉干燥处密闭存放。 保质期:密闭条件下可保存24个月。
純釀醬油 適合餐館 & 大家庭食用 广美珍純釀金鹿酱油是厨師的好助手。可以在烹饪过程中添加到各種菜餚中,也可以用作餐桌调味品。 它是一种很棒的沾酱,尤其是淋在蒸好的鱼、烫菜、热汤和半生熟蛋,特别提味。在炒煎煮或凉拌时,按照需要加入适量的特级酱油,就会使菜肴色泽诱人,香气朴鼻,味道鲜美。建议储存:在密闭的条件下存放在阴凉干燥的地方。 保质期: 24个月。
食品法规。适合 素食和纯素食者。 It is a seasoning sauce that is delicious and nutritious. Made naturally fermented soy sauce with a unique flavour and aroma. It is 100% produced from Canadian high-grade non-genetic soybeans through traditional fermentation process. It is fermented and stored under hot sun for 180 days to produce extra rich and mellow taste. This is because soy sauce contains up to 17 kinds of amino acids. In addition, it also contains various type of vitamin B. KBC Premium light sauce can be added to a variety of dishes during the cooking process or as a table seasoning. It is a great sauce, especially in steamed fish, fried vegetables, soup and half-boiled eggs. When frying or cold and dressed with sauce, add appropriate amount of soy sauce as needed to make the dishes tempting and fragrant.Storage recommended : Store in cool and dry place in well-closed condition. Shelf life : 24 months in well-closed condition.
Kilang Kicap Kwong Bee Chun SDN.BHD.
Shahjahan Solutions
Wilayah Persekutuan
Sameru Chemical Industries Sdn Bhd
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