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We Supply Sambal Sauce We are a Hot Sauce Manufacture who focus only produce Sambal Sauce / Gula Melaka and supply direct from our factory to Hotel , Restaurant, Chain Store, Cafeteria, Catering, Ingredient Shop, Retail, Shopee, Lazada, and many more Problem Our Client Facing Too Much Cost To Produce Sambal Sauce * LABOUR COST At least two manpower to cook sambal sauce 4 hours a day with only maximum produce 15KG of sambal sauce * PRECIOUS TIME All those tiredness, Staff Monitoring, Quality Control, Packing to Distribution is exhausted * PRODUCTION COST Electricity, Gas, Cleaning Service, labour fees, is an invisible cost that lower down profit margin Our Ingredient Ingredient Fresh Chili, Dried Anchovies, Sweet Onion, Garlic, Dried Chili, Belacan, Vegetable Oil Recommend Apply To Nasi Lemak Fried Rice Mee Siam Stir Fried Vegetable Telur Tumis Stir Fried Prawn and Others