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****Syarat-syarat Penebusan S-TREX INSECT REPELLENT*** 1. Jumlah terkumpul pembelian 15 pack spray S-TREX INSECT REPELLENT mestilah di dalam satu akaun pembeli di dalam kedai milik kami di MIRZA LEGACY PUJI2AN atau MIRZA LEGACY RIZKI 2. Pembelian ke-16 sila inform kami utk penebusan percuma 1 spray 1.0liter 3. Jumlah terkumpul akan dikira di dalam sistem pemberitahuan shopee chat
PRODUCT INFORMATION S-TREX is Eco-friendly S-TREX is made from natural formulations S-TREX is suitable for all plants, trees, shrubs and crops to repel most insect pests.
METHOD OF APPLICATION Ready to use. Shake well before use. Best to apply late evening Repeat application every 7 to 10 days as needed
RECOMMENDATIONS Wear protective glove, protective clothing, eye protection. Store in cool dry place. Keep container tightly closed. Keep away from food and children.
MAIN INGREDIENTS Playtyclaudus orientalis, Sophora flavescens, Artemisia apiacea
CONTENTS: 1.0 Liter WEIGHT: 1.1 Kilogram
From Natural Formulations Save Our Earth Greens
AUTHORIZED DEALER http://www.wasap.my/+60193848178/mirzalegacypuji2an
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Mirza Legacy
Wilayah Persekutuan
Extra Natural Sdn Bhd
Zirco Marketing Global
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