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Thick Soy Sauce
Rose Brand
Thick Soy Sauce
Last update: Sep 08, 2024
MYR 10.00 / Carton Savings 4.76%
RRP MYR 10.50


Wholesale price
buy 2 to 3 Carton | MYR 10.00 / Carton
buy 4 or more | MYR 9.80 / Carton
1 Carton = 12 units
MYR 10.00 MYR 10.50 4.76 % OFF

Minimum Order: 1 Carton

Delivery Information
Ship to you
Standard Delivery:
Delivery from
Pulau Pinang
Self pickup
Self pickup directly from supplier within
5 Working days

Product Description Specification


Thick Soy Sauce which is also known as Dark Soy Sauce is ideally for adding a rich and natural deeper color to enhance the appearance of dishes. It is thicker, darker and slightly less salty and sweeter comparing to Light Soy Sauce.

We will usually use thick soy sauce to add the color of the dishes to make it looks more attractive.