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-Order delivery with Ice Cooler Box
✔️Center of Klang Valley & Major Selangor Area✔️
*Driver will Whatsapp or Call in advance to share ETA on delivery day
1. Next-day Delivery or 2-Days delivery during peak period like MCO.
2. Weekly delivery for Far reach Area: [Chat with Dropee team] for Scheduling(Semenyih, Cyberjaya, Rawang: Kota Emerald, Batang Berjuntai, Batu Arang)
3. You can now special request scheduled delivery date!
For High-rise Condo/Apartment, Please ensure your area is safe for entry;
No doorstep delivery;
Lobby or Guard Pick up Zone to prevent any risk of contact;
Contactless Delivery.
Daily Order Cut-off hour: 9 p.m.*
Delivery window: 1PM-6PM
Every Monday OFF: No veggies from Market; Any unavailable stocks will be replaced with same/higher value items
Drivers deliver with car in-built Chiller box for preservation; Icebox is available while stocks last.
Thank you for your generous support and please Stay healthy and safe!
*Welcome to chat Dropee team for any extra/missing items you received for a quick check