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Maxiclean MP1 is a concentrated food grade and high performance multipurpose cleaner that emulsifies and removes grease, grime,oil, stain, dirt and food residues efficiently. The concentrated neutral formulation is mild and is suitable to be used on any surface. Maxiclean MP1 is safe to be used in food manufacturing industries and also food preparation areas. FEATURES ● Food grade solution ● High performance ● Neutral formula BENEFITS ● Safe to be used in food contact surfaces ● Effectively removes grease,oil and general soils ● Suitable on all surfaces APPLICATION (suitable for manual cleaning, soak cleaning, mopping) Which industry can use? ● Restaurants/Fast-food restaurants/Eateries/Bistros ● Cafeterias ● Food trucks ● Food processing plant/Beverage plant ● Food preparation area Where to use it? ● Floor ● Furniture (table,chair) ● Cabinet ● Countertop ● Dishes/cutleries/crocker Why should you choose us? ● HALAL certified ● FDA/USDA compliance ● Food grade Use instruction (suitable for manual cleaning, soak cleaning, mopping) Dilute the solutions BEFORE using. How to dilute: ➢ Light cleaning - 1:50 (For 1 litre of MP1, dilute with 50 litres of water) Example - MP1: Water 1: 50 1ml: 50ml 5ml : 50ml x 5 = 250ml 10ml: 50ml x 10 = 500ml 1: 50 1L: 50L 5L : 50L x 5 = 250L 10L: 50L x 10 = 500L ➢ Heavy cleaning - 1:10 (For 1 litre of MP1, dilute with 10 litres of water) (follow the same steps as for light cleaning dilution) 1. Manual cleaning - Fill a spray bottle with the diluted solutions. Spray over the surfaces to be cleaned. Wiped the surfaces with a clean cloth and let it air dry. 2. Soak cleaning/Dishwashing - Fill a basin with the diluted solution( use warm water). Place greasy plates and pans in the basin and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Wash away the dirt under running water. 3. Mopping - Fill a pail with the diluted solution. Take a dry mop and immerse into the solution. Wring the mop out well. Mop as usual and let the floor surface to air dry. QUALITY GUARANTEE ● Quality Assurance ● Cost-effective Pack size available: 5L Shelf life: 2 years For a purchase of 20L above, please chat with us directly.Feel free to contact us for more info. Our products are supplied to various factories and businesses direct from FACTORY.
Averex Chemicals Sdn Bhd
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Cavemen Kitchn PLT
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