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50 Unit Available
Product Description:
Kimchi, a staple in Korean cuisine, is a famous traditional side dish of salted and fermented vegetables, such as napa cabbage and Korean radish, made with a widely varying selection of seasonings including gochugaru, spring onions, garlic, ginger, and jeotgal, etc.
Health Benefits: Low in Calories, High in Fibre, Contain Probiotics, Antioxidants, Good for Digestive system
Healthy diet : No Perservatives, No coloring, No artificial flavouring
Way to consume : Enjoy kimchi as a side dish for any meal, Spice it up with Kimchi Jiggae, Fried rice, Pancake, Stir fry Meat etc Storage Guideline : Upon receiving, please keep Kimchi in fridge at all times. Each time scoop out with dry clean spoon.