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THURIX'S Noto Tienqi Plus Balm (NPRA Registration Number: MAL19046054TC) is formulated with various herbs such as Notoginseng, Spatholobus, Pubescent Angelica Root and Hot Pepper, traditionally used for joints and muscle sprain, promotes blood circulation, removes blood stasis, mild swollen and relieves pain. It is also an essential home medicine for postpartum, menstrual period, sports injury, bruises and carbuncle. Application: Adult: Apply and massage the affected area 2-3 minutes until you feel the warm, hot and spicy sensation to relieve the body soreness. Apply 3 times per day or when you needed. *The WARM sensation can last for more than 3 hours Suitable for those: - Aging, often have back pain, joint pain, especially when the weather turns cold, the soreness will be more obvious. - Workers, drivers, couriers and food delivery workers (rider), suffer from lumbar muscle strain and body aches due to overwork. - Muscle soreness after exercise or sprains and bruises caused by accidents.
Jin Bin Corporation Sdn Bhd
Dr Parveenss Global Sdn. Bhd.
Erwan Technology Enterprise
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