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What is Whole Grain? A whole grain is composed of three parts: the Bran , the Endosperm and the Germ Bran Contains fiber, B vitamins and iron. Endosperm Provides energy, contains carbohydrates and some B vitamins. Germ Contains B vitamins and iron. Nestlé Breakfast Cereals made with Whole Grain -discover how delicious good nutrition can be Now made more nutritious with Whole Grain Nestlé® Corn Flakes is now made with whole grain. What makes it so special is that all three parts of the grain are used so that none of the natural goodness is left out. Refined grains, such as white rice and white bread, are often stripped of their goodness where some parts are discarded and suffer a nutritional loss. Whole grains keep all parts of the grain intact retaining its natural content of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. With Nestlé® Breakfast Cereals you can enjoy great taste combined with important nutrients for a good start to the day. Source of Vitamin B2, B3, B6 and Folic Acid Source of Iron and Calcium Made with Whole Grain Toasted Flakes of Corn Breakfast Cereals
PJ Grocer Sdn Bhd
Dr Parveenss Global Sdn. Bhd.
Erwan Technology Enterprise
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