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1000 Unit Available
Minimum Order: 10 Unit
Chia Seeds -8 times more Omega-3 than salmon -15 times more magnesium than broccoli -5 times more calcium than milk -3 times more antioxidant than blueberries
Ingredients -99.9% pure chia seed
Benefits -Omega-3 – A diet of a lot of omega-3, will reduce inflammation; can increase blood levels -Calcium & Magnesium – essential for bone health -Iron – helps to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body -Antioxidant – helps fight the production of free radicals, which can damage molecules in cells and contribute to ageing and diseases like cancer. -Protein – is the most weight loss friendly macronutrient and can drastically reduce appetite and cravings.
Tips / Usage -Store in a dry sealed container and place. -Mix into water and stir. Wait for 15 minutes before drink.
Suggestion Recipe -Can be sprinkled, on top of cereal, yogurt, salad or into juice, porridge and pudding -Added to baked goods – biscuit, cake muffin or bread.
Wide Tropism Marketing Sdn Bhd
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