Bag2u Dot Com Sdn Bhd
About UsBag2u has been a global bag manufacturer. In previous 15 years, we have been a reputable supplier to conglomerates and corporate industry.As of year 2013, Bag2u has sold more than 10,000,000 units of all kinds of bags, and we have satisfactorily served more than 2,000 companies.Now it is the time we SERVE the retail society, to provide top quality backpacks at affordable price.Our vision is to create a platform for bags, which provide all genres of bags you are looking for.Why choose us?Quality ControlWe ensure you that our main focus will be in quality of the products. We will make sure that customers get the best quality from us and we serve customers as V.I.P.Friendly Customer ServiceWe won't serve customers with attitude of because-this-is-my-job. We'll make sure customers will feel comfortable throughout their shopping. If they require our assistance during their shopping, we'll provide them the best support they can find online.How to contact us?If you have any doubts/suggestions/comments about us, our products or our site, do not hestitate to contact us! We can be contacted through or call us at 01-111 666 999. We'll get back to you within 24 hours
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