Group of Companies. Established in Malaysia HQ .the Group is an upcoming, growth oriented Trade, FMCG and Retail group thatbelieves in serving the needs and expectations of customers globally bysupplying the best in class FMCG products of international standards at themost competitive prices.We believe in anticipating and responding to customers needs andpreferences and serve them by building relationships with all our businesspartners by maintaining open communication lines to understand and adaptto the changing market dynamics and customer behaviour.We are an employer that provides equal opportunities to all, maintain afriendly, fair and creative work environment to encourage and inspireinnovation, nurture talent and promote employee involvement throughrecognition and providing growth opportunities.We will always serve by upholding our principles of being an ethical, sociallyresponsible and environmentally friendly corporate citizen in all the marketsthat we operate in without any compromise on our core values.
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